Žemaitija ethnographic region.

Section 78. Biržuvėnai – Telšiai.

Biržuvėnai – Telšiai On the way to the capital of Žemaitija – Telšiai

After Biržuvėnai, for the next 3 km the Forest Trail goes through Biržuvėnai forest. 1 km to the village of Rudupiai, it follows the Luokė–Viešvėnai road (No. 4605) until it turns right to the north-northwest. For the next 11 km, it travels through the agricultural area until it leaves the village of Rainiai. From Rainiai, the Forest Trail continues initially as a lane separated from the road and then as a pedestrian / bicycle path for about 3 km continues to Telšiai, where it turns into Kauno street and then reaches the shore of Mastis lake. Further, it winds through the park, revealing beautiful views of Mastis lake panorama from Zaksas hill. Then the Forest Trail bends around a small bay of Mastis lake and then reaches the destination of this section.