Žemaitija ethnographic region.

Section 79. Telšiai – Buožėnai.

Telšiai – Buožėnai Through the Germantas Landscape Reserve

The Forest Trail along the pedestrian promenade throws a circle along the northern shore of Mastis lake and further along Ežero, L. Giros and Plungės streets (sidewalks, pedestrian / bicycle paths) heads west. Approximately 2.5 km from Mastis lake, it turns left to the south-west and follows road No. 4656 in the direction of Lieplaukė. After 2.1 km near the Užgiriai village, the Forest Trail turns right to the north to cross the Germantas landscape reserve along small forest paths and wooden footbridges. After Germantas lake it continues along J. Perkovskio street, turns to Plungė street, crosses the railway, at the roundabout goes to the right (Margiukų street), then to the left (Šilelio street), crosses the A11 highway and along a small country road after 5 km reaches the Buožėnai village.