Žemaitija ethnographic region.

Section 80. Buožėnai – Plinkšės.

Buožėnai – Plinkšės Through the Plinkšiai Forest Biosphere Reserve

From Buožėnai the Forest Trail throws a zigzag circle, after 5 km crosses the Seda–Gaudikaičiai road (No. 161) and after 2 km enters Pamarkija forest. It then moves north and after 2.5 km reaches a larger forest massif. The 7 km route travels through the territory of the Plinkšiai Forest Biosphere Reserve and turns into Plinkšės village, and after 2 km reaches the final destination of the section. At the beginning of the section there can be seen open landscapes of the northern part of Žemaitija Upland, but on the other part the route mostly leads through the woods.