Žemaitija ethnographic region.

Section 74. Kurtuvėnai – Šaukėnai.

Kurtuvėnai – Šaukėnai Natural wonders in Kurtuvėnai Regional Park

Along forest paths and small roads, the Forest Trail leads through Kurtuvėnai Regional Park. It is equipped with nature trails. From Kurtuvėnai, the Forest Trail leads along a beautiful tree alley and further along a small country trail winds between fish ponds, small hills overgrown with meadows, until it reaches the forest again. The trail turns around Vainagiai village, leads along a wooden footbridge through the wetland and reaches the castle mound on the shore of Vainagiai lake. For the next 8 km to Šaukėnai, it continues as a small forest road and, before entering the Šaukėnai small town, surrounds the northwestern shore of Juodlė lake. In Šaukėnai small town, the Forest Trail continues along Juodlės street.