Baltic Forest Hiking Project

Long distance cross- border hiking trail "The Forest Trail"

The Forest Trail's Northern part (from Riga-Tallinn) is being currently developed under the Central Baltic program project No. 779 'Long distance cross border hiking trail 'The Forest Trail'', while the Southern part (from the Lithuanian / Polish border through Kurzeme to Riga) is being developed within the project LLI-448 "Development of Forest trail In Latvia and Lithuania and expanding the Baltic Coastal Hiking route in Lithuania". Both trails will be part of the E11 route of the European long distance hiking trail network by ERA – European Ramblers’ Association. The total length of the Forest Trail in all three Baltic states will be more than 2000 km, and the trail will include all forest types and wildlife features typical of the Baltic States. Project EE-LV00013 objective is to improve accessibility of the Baltic Hiking trails – the Coastal Hiking Trail and the Forest Trail – for different social groups by implementing accessibility and inclusive marketing solutions in the territory of both trails, in Latvia and Estonia.
Official EU website:

07/01/2023 - 06/30/2026

Forest and Coastal Hiking Trails' accessibility improvement for different social groups EE-LV00013

Project lead partner
Lauku Ceļotājs
Country Tourism Association of Latvia, Latvia
Project partners
Kurzemes Plānošanas reģions
Kurzeme Planning Region, Latvia
Vidzemes plānošanas reģions
Vidzeme planning region, Latvia
Rīgas plānošanas reģions
Riga planning region, Latvia
Movement Spontaneous
Movement Spontaneous, Latvia
MTÜ Eesti Maaturism
Estonian Rural Tourism Organization, Estonia
Häädemeeste vald
The Municipality of Häädemeeste, Estonia
MTÜ Setomaa Turism
NGO Setomaa Tourism, Estonia
NGO Peipsimaa Turism
NGO Peipsimaa Turism, Estonia
Pärnu Lahe Rotary Klubi
Pärnu Bay Rotary Club, Estonia

06/01/2020 - 05/31/2022

Development of Forest trail In Latvia and Lithuania and expanding the Baltic Coastal Hiking route in Lithuania (LLI-448)

LLI-448 "Development of Forest trail In Latvia and Lithuania and expanding the Baltic Coastal Hiking route in Lithuania" is implemented with 669 888.76 euros co-funding from the European Regional Development Fund.
Project lead partner
Kauno regiono plėtros agentūra
Kaunas Regional Development Agency, Lithuania
web:, email:
Project partners
Lauku Ceļotājs
Country Tourism Association of Latvia, Latvia
Lietuvos kaimo turizmo asociacija
Lithuanian countryside tourism association, Lithuania
Žemaitijos nacionalinio parko direkcija
Zemaitija National Park Directorate, Lithuania
Kuršių nerijos nacionalinio parko direkcija
Kursiu Nerija National Park Directorate, Lithuania
Kurzemes Plānošanas reģions
Kurzeme Planning Region, Latvia
Kuldīgas novada pašvaldība
Kuldiga District Municipality, Latvia

01/04/2019 - 12/31/2021

Long distance cross-border hiking trail "The Forest Trail" (CB779)

Central Baltic program project No. 779 'Long distance cross border hiking trail 'The Forest Trail'' is implemented with 960 418.80 euros co-funding from the European Regional Development Fund.
Project lead partner
Lauku Ceļotājs
Country Tourism Association of Latvia, Latvia
Project partners
Dabas aizsardzības pārvalde
Nature Conservation Agency, Latvia
AS Latvijas Valsts Meži
Joint Stock Company "Latvia's State Forests", Latvia
web:, email:
MTÜ Eesti Maaturism
Estonian Rural Tourism Organization, Estonia
NGO Peipsimaa Turism
NGO Peipsimaa Turism, Estonia
MTÜ Setomaa Turism
NGO Setomaa Tourism, Estonia
MTÜ Okokuller
NGO Okokuller, Estonia
web: , email: 
Vidzemes plānošanas reģions
Vidzeme planning region, Latvia
Rīgas plānošanas reģions
Riga planning region, Latvia
Pohja-Eesti Turism
Pohja-Eesti Turism, Estonia