Section 85. Salantai – Mosėdis.
Salantai Regional Park was established in 1992 to protect the landscape of the Minija, Salantas, Erla old valleys and their surroundings, natural ecosystem and cultural heritage values. An exclusive feature of the park is boulder – juniper fields resembling tundra landscape. The largest juniper forest in Lithuania grows in Šaukliai boulder field (the area covering 79 ha with about 300,000 m3 of boulders). There is Vaclovas Intas Museum of Rare Stones located in Mosėdis with over 150 thousand boulders (the largest stone weighs 50 tons, the smallest - a few grams). In Salantai, there is the thickest and oldest horse-chestnut tree growing. The uniqueness and diversity of the landscape is increased by Kartena and Imbarė mounds, Alka hill. Visitors can learn about the exceptional natural and cultural values of the regional park in the Salantai Regional Park Visitor Center.