Žemaitija ethnographic region.

Section 85. Salantai – Mosėdis.

Practical information

Length: 20 km

Duration: 5 – 7 h

Starting point: Salantai centre at the post office (M. Valančiaus street)

End point: Mosėdis, Vaclovas Intas Museum of Rare Stones.

The course of the route: Salantai – Alkas – Palšiai – Šatraminiai – Šaukliai – Naujukai – Mosėdis

Road surface: Gravel roads, asphalt in populated areas.

Difficulty: Easy

Obstacles: There is a place on the road where the farm area has to be crossed and an electric shepherd can be pulled over the road.

Danger points: Be careful when walking along the side of the road!

Alternatives: It is worth spending at least half a day visiting the most interesting places in Mosėdis.