Žemaitija ethnographic region.

Section 85. Salantai – Mosėdis.

Salantai – Mosėdis Through the Salantai Regional Park

From the small-town of Salantai, the Forest Trail goes along M. Valančiaus, Padvaralio and Ilgoji streets. 100 m before road No. 169 the Forest Trail turns left on a country road, after 3.5 km reaches Erlos street and turns left to the west. After 0.4 km it turns right to the north and reaches Šatraminiai village. There, it turns right to the southwest, after 2.9 km crosses the Salantai–Skuodas road (No. 169) and in Šaukliai village turns left to the north, after 3.8 km reaching Mosėdis, the destination of the section. Most of the section, except for the Šatraminiai area, runs through the territory of Salantai Regional Park.