Žemaitija ethnographic region.

Section 81. Plinkšės – Žemaičių Kalvarija.

Plinkšės – Žemaičių Kalvarija To the destination of pilgrims

From Plinkšiai the Forest Trail leads to the west, crosses the wooded area and reaches the Seda–Gaudikaičiai road (No. 161) 2 km away. After 1.8 km, the Forest Trail turns left to the south. For the next 7.4 km, it crosses agricultural land and a larger forest area until it turns right, heading west into Bertuliai village. After another 3.8 km, the Forest Trail crosses the Seda–Plungė (No. 164) road, where the towers of the pilgrimage destination, Žemaičių Kalvarija, can be seen from the surrounding hills. Shortly before the village, the Forest Trail crosses the border of the Žemaitija National Park.