Žemaitija ethnographic region.

Section 77. Pavandenė – Biržuvėnai.

Pavandenė – Biržuvėnai Through Varniai Regional Park

From Pavandenė village, the Forest Trail continues in a north-western direction along the road no. 4609 and after 7.5 km turns right and then makes about 4 km long circle around a small wooded area, in which there hides Baltežeris lake. Near Kuršiai, it crosses the Luokė–Janapolės road (No. 4611), descends in the valley of the Virvytė river, passes through the Baltininkai village and crosses once more the Virvytė river, which is popular with water tourists. After about 5 km, winding along the right bank of the Virvytė river, the Forest Trail reaches Biržuvėnai village on the shore of the mill lake. While traveling this section of the Forest Trail, you can admire the hilly landscape of Varniai Regional Park.