Žemaitija ethnographic region.
Section 86. Mosėdis – Skuodas.
The city of Skuodas is located by the beautiful Bartuva River. The Bartuva River (in Latvian – Bārta) begins in the morainic ridge of the Žemaitija National Park 3 km north of Lake Plateliai. The river flows through the territories of Plungė and Skuodas district municipalities. Larger ponds: in Skuodas (92 ha) and in Mosėdis (56 ha). The Bartuva River flows into Liepāja lake, which is connected to the Baltic Sea by the Liepāja port canal. The lower reaches of the river are straightened and the banks have been reinforced with embankments to protect the surrounding lowlands from flooding.