North Estonian Coastline.

Section 46. Tsitre‒ Kaberneeme.

Tsitre‒ Kaberneeme Sandy beaches and isles in Kolga Bay

A harbour was established at the Tsitre village as early as the Viking times. The first 4 km of the Forest Trail in this section pass through the territory of the Lahemaa national park. Between the villages of Muuksi and Soorinna, the road crosses an oval plateau, the klint elevation of northern Estonia, covered with scenic juniper fields. At the village of Põhja, the trail passes by the coastal wetland, and comes out by the sea behind the Salmistu harbour. From here, look out for the 1.3 km distant Pedassaar isle to the northeast, and the Umblu and Rohusi isles to the northwest. On Valkla beach, a nice beach restaurant awaits hikers. In Haapse the beach you can swim, sea gets quickly deep.