North Estonian Coastline.

Section 47. Kaberneeme ‒ Jõelähtme.

Kaberneeme ‒ Jõelähtme Along the banks of the Jägala River

From Kaberneeme the route runs through a forest where you can see piles of stones carried here during the last ice-age. Soon the trail climbs about 20 m up to the hiking trail which runs on the old shore line of Lake Ancylus. Trail crosses the Kaberla-Kaberneeme road and follows over a small sandy canyon of the Kaberla stream, before arriving at the Kalevi-Liiva memorial of holocaust. The trail continues to the Linnamäe HES and a suspension bridge. Follow the trail over the ancient fortress hill of Linnamäe and continue on the right bank of the Jägala river, until reaching the Jägala waterfall. The Suka bridge is about 500 meters up from the waterfall. After crossing the river, the trail strolls through the Jägala waterfall park. Finally, the trail runs through the village of Koogi and arrives at Jõelähtme.