North Estonian Coastline.

Section 45. Loksa‒Tsitre.

Loksa‒Tsitre Through the forests and swamps of the Juminda Peninsula

On this day, the Forest Trail crosses the Juminda Peninsula. After leaving Loksa,  in 7 km it passes by a Soviet-era military object, the Hara Submarine Port. To visit it, you have to take a two-kilometre detour and buy a ticket. The Forest Trail goes through an area of beautiful forests and marshes, with high, dense forested sand dunes at the western end of the territory. It continues down the road from Pedaspea to Tsitre and passes a small section of the North-Estonian Klint just before Tsitre, where the Muuksi stronghold hill is located. The Tsitre picnic area is located 0.2 km from the sea.