Dzūkija ethnographic region.

Section 51. Lazdijai – Veisiejai.

Lazdijai – Veisiejai Along the hills of the Sūduva Upland

A little further than 1 km from the Lazdijai Tourism Information Center, the Forest Trail leads along the Lazdijai–Augustow road (No. 135), then turns onto a small country-forest road, which used to serve as a border guard road during the “Iron Curtain”. Walking along it, the landscapes of the Sūduva Upland offer beautiful landscapes. After crossing a more open place opposite Kučiūnai village, the Forest Trail slips into a wooded area again. After about 5.5 km, it turns east, further winds through a maze of forests and lakes, crosses the Zapsė river and meets the Lazdijai–Kučiūnai–Veisiejai road (No. 2510). After less than 6 km, the Forest Trail turns right to Dainaviškiai village. Then it turns around the bays of Veisiejai lake and, through Veisiejai Manor Park, takes you to the centre of the town. The section before the town of Veisiejai is part of the Veisiejai Regional Park.