Dzūkija ethnographic region.

Section 54. Didžiasalis – Druskininkai – Žiogeliai.

More than 2,000 species of cap mushrooms are found throughout Lithuania, of which about 380 species are edible. However, ~ 120-140 mushroom species are used in practice. In the Dzūkija ethnographic region, the land is infertile, it is covered by the largest forest massifs in Lithuania, growing in sandy soil, therefore in Dzūkija picking berries and mushrooms, especially chanterelles, was very important both as a source of livelihood and profit. The basic rule of mushrooming is to collect and use for food only those mushrooms that you know well and are not in doubt about! In summer and autumn, the great complement to food supplies and a source of vitamins are wild berries: wild strawberries, wild raspberries, blueberries, bog bilberries, blackberries, lingonberries and guelder roses.