South Kurzeme.

Section 87. Lithuanian– Latvian border – Gramzda.

Lithuanian– Latvian border – Gramzda Along the Vārtāja undulating plain

The Lithuanian – Latvian border in nature is marked by the Apše river, which the Forest Trail crosses, entering Latvia via the Skuodas – Priekule road bridge (P114). The Forest Trail initially winds along the side of the road, but after 1.7 km turns onto a gravel road in the direction of Kalēti. Starting from the surroundings of Ozolu village, the view opens up to the beautiful and wide landscapes of the Vārtāja undulating plain of the Rietumkursa Upland. In Ozoli, the Forest Trail for 0.5 km follows the road V1217, then turns right and after 2 km reaches the Bārta–Kalēti–Gramzda road (V1218), that leads to Gramzda.