South Kurzeme.

Section 88. Gramzda – Priekule.

Gramzda – Priekule To Priekule, rich in stories

After Gramzda the Forest Trail as a small path swirls along sand and gravel quarries and along a straight path through the agricultural landscape moves northeast. At the Lejasbunči house, it turns to Mazgramzda. Before Mazgramzda, the Forest Trail crosses the deep and shady Ruņupe valley. After Mazgramzda, it runs along the Gramzda–Priekule road (P 114), from which there open up beautiful landscapes of the Vārtāja undulating plain of the Rietumkursa Upland. After crossing this road, it runs along the former airfield, crosses the Priekule–Purmsāti–Kalēti road (V 1211) and throws a circle through a small wooded area. Along the banks of the winding Virga river, the Forest Trail leads through the forest park “Priekules Priediens”, from which there is visible the destination of this section.