Pärnu town and fishing villages.
Section 35. Pärnu - Liu.
Accommodation “Savi Majutus”
+372 56917141
Accommodation/restaurant “Villa Andropoff”
+372 4443453
Holiday house/cafe “Doberani Rannamaja”
+372 55517303
Holiday house “Saulepa Rannamaja”
+372 5013489
Farmstead for tourists “Kipperi Turismitalu”
+372 56825562
Farmstead “Sarnakõrtsi talu”
+372 5179874
Leisure and education centre “Ojako”
+372 5084584
Holiday centre "Valgeranna Puhkekeskus"
+372 5116903
Accommodation/restaurant “Villa Andropoff”
+372 4443453
Holiday house/cafe “Doberani Rannamaja”
+372 55517303
The golf course “White Beach Golf” restaurant
+372 4429930
Resting area
Other services
Public transportation
Bus traffic Pärnu–Liu: approximately 6 times a day.