Baltic coastal hiking news
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Accessible hiking trails workshop and a hike on "Jūrtaka" - Baltic Coastal Hiking" for the Year of E9 / November 7-8
The community of hiking enthusiasts continues to grow; therefore, the Latvian Rural Tourism Association "Lauku ceļotājs" has come up with an initiative to make long-distance hiking routes "The Forest Trail / Mežtaka" and "The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route / Jūrtaka" more accessible to various segments of the society, including families with young children, seniors, people with mobility difficulties, or other limitations. In collaboration with organizations representing these community groups and project partners from Latvia and Estonia, environmental accessibility solutions will be developed, providing the opportunity for a wider range of the community to enjoy the hiking experience.
Accessible hiking trails workshop and a hike on "Jūrtaka" - Baltic Coastal Hiking" for the Year of E9
On November 7th, a workshop will take place at the Zvejniekciems Cultural Center in the Saulkrasti Municipality, where participants from Norway, England, Italy, Estonia, and Latvia will share practical experience and solutions for enhancing the environmental accessibility of hiking for various community groups. A representative from The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities will discuss how municipalities plan and implement accessibility in their areas. A representative from the European Ramblers Association will also be part of the seminar. This organization has declared 2023 as the Year of the E9 Long-Distance Hiking Route, particularly promoting it. "Jūrtaka" is part of the E9 route in the Baltic States. After presentations and discussions on the evening of November 7th, participants will embark on a hike in the "Jūrtaka" section in Saulkrasti. On November 8th, a hike is planned from Lilaste to Carnikava, where an environmental accessibility solution for people in wheelchairs will be developed as part of the project. Everyone interested, especially participants from the target groups included in the project, are invited to explore the needs of these groups for environmental adaptation together.
>>> Workshop and Hiking Program (in English, PDF):
(The working language of the event is English.)
Registration is open until November 1st by filling out the registration form:
This activity is supported as part of project "Forest and Coastal Hiking Trails' accessibility improvement for different social groups" (EE-LV00013), an Interreg Estonia-Latvia Programme 2021-2027, co-funded by the European Union.
This program reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.
8. novembrī visi interesenti aicināti "Jūrtakas" pārgājienā no Lilastes līdz Carnikavai, ~9 km.
Dalība bez maksas, pieteikšanās pārgājienam līdz 1. novembrim aizpildot pieteikuma anketu:
Pēc noietiem 4,5 kilometriem sasniegsim Latvijas skaistākās un garākās upes - Gaujas ieteku jūrā. Gaujas upes grīva ir nozīmīga putnu ligzdošanas un zivju barošanās vieta, tādēļ no 1. maija līdz 31. jūlijam upes kreisajā krasta teritorija ir sezonāls dabas liegums. Savukārt, rudenī teritorija ir pieejama un tieši tāpēc rudens ir īpaši piemērots laiks "Jūrtakas" pārgājieniem šajā posmā.
Pie Gaujas ietekas jūrā, šoreiz neturpināsim ceļu pa ierasto "Jūrtakas" maršrutu, bet šķērsosim Gauja vietējā zvejnieka Artūra Jākobsona laivā "Sarnikau". Artūrs mūs arī pacienās ar slavenajiem Carnikavas nēģiem. Gauja ir viena no 3 Latvijas upēm, kurā tiek ķerti ņēģi.
Pārceļoties pāri Gaujai, turpināsim pārgājienu līdz Carnikavas pludmalei (~2km). Ceļu turpināsim pa Carnikavas promenādi (1,8 km), lai sasniegtu pilsētu. Šo promenādes daļu, projekta ""Mežtakas" un "Jūrtakas" pārgājienu taku pieejamības uzlabošana dažādām sociālajām grupām" plānots padarīt pieejamāku cilvēkiem ratiņkrēslos. Promenādei pienākošās takas tiks pielāgotas, lai promenādi sasniegtu arī cilvēku ratiņkrēslos.
Pēc promenādes mēs dosimies uz Carnikavas Novadpētniecības centru (0,5 km), kur pārgājienu noslēgsim ar ekskursiju, kopīgām pusdienām un sarunām kā pārgājienu takas padarīt pieejamākas dažādām sabiedrības grupām. No Carnikavas tiks organizēts transports auto šoferiem atpakaļ pie savām automašīnām Lilastē.
Pārgājiens papildina 7. novembra darbsemināru ""Mežtakas" un "Jūrtakas" pieejamības uzlabošana dažādām sociālajām grupām".
Seminārā prakstiskā pieredzē un vides pieejamības risinājumos dalīsies eksperti no Norvēģijas, Apvienotās Karalistes, Itālijas, Igaunijas un Latvijas. Runātāju vidū pārstāvētas dažāda tipa organizācijas - Norvēģijas Pašvaldību Savienība, Itālijas Tūrisma Federācija, Igaunijas Kamera Cilvēkiem ar invaliditāti, Apvienotās Karalistes pārgājienu asociācija un Eiropas garo distanču pārgājienu asociācija.
Programma un sīkāka informācija:
Šī aktivitāte tiek veikta kā daļa no projekta "Mežtakas un Jūrtakas pārgājienu taku pieejamības uzlabošana dažādām sociālajām grupām” (EE-LV00013). Projekts tiek īstenots ar Eiropas Savienības Interreg Igaunija-Latvija programmas 2021-2027 finansiālu atblastu. Šī preses ziņa atspoguļo autora viedokli. Programmas vadošā iestāde neatbild par tajā ietvertās informācijas iespējamo izmantošanu.
The conference will highlight advantages of hiking in a more comprehensive meaning, presenting it not only as an outdoor activity or an alternative way of travel, but also as a tool to attract travellers, strengthen communities along the trails and foster local entrepreneurs, thus contributing to the prosperity of the society concerned. Panel discussion in the afternoon will invite to hear out hikers from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania sharing their experience and exchange views on Forest trail and Coastal route in Latvia and Lithuania.
Baltic Coastal Hiking final conference and official opening of the E9 in Baltics
September 13–14, 2019
Baltic Coastal Hiking is a long-distance hiking route, part of E9, along the Baltic Sea coast. The total length of the route is 1,200 km, from which 580 km are in Latvia and 620 km in Estonia. The Latvian name of the trail is Jūrtaka, the Estonian – Ranniku matkarada. The route includes more than 500 natural, cultural and historical objects, it is available for everyone and the 60-day well planned itinerary can also be done in parts. Baltic Coastal Hiking route is ready, it’s being actively used by local hikers and travellers from abroad, now it is your turn to join in!
The Baltic Coastal Hiking project has come to an end, to celebrate the success, to see where we stand in Europe and to share our experiences. You are welcome to join the final conference on September 13 and follow the common Coastal Hike (~14 km) on September 14, 2019.
Registration for the event::
Programme: Hiking_Programm.pdf
Contact information:
This site reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.