Kaunas and Kaunas district.

Section 62. Pakuonis – Vaišvydava.

Pakuonis – Vaišvydava Through the Kaunas Lagoon Regional Park

From Pakuonis town the Forest Trail continues along Kauno street (No. 1901) in the northwest and northern direction and after 7 km reaches Piliuona town. After Piliuona, it runs along Nemuno street and after about 1.6 km turns left in the direction of Dubravai. After crossing the forest massif, after about 2.4 km the Forest Trail leads to Dubravai village, winds along its main street and after 3 km (Klonio street, No. 1937) reaches Vaišvydava village, where the visitor centre of Kaunas Lagoon Regional Park is located.