Tukums and Ķemeru National park.

Section 97. Jaunmokas – Tukums.

Jaunmokas – Tukums To Tukums for the beauty!

In the vicinity of Jaunmoku palace, spectators are delighted by the beautiful landscapes of the Vanema hills of Austrumkursa Upland. The Forest Trail slopes down to the Bēru watermill and then, further up to Vecmokas, in a length of three kilometres rises by about 50 m, revealing beautiful landscapes to the wide Slocene valley in the south. After the alley of Vecmoku Manor, the Forest Trail crosses the Tukums–Lazdas road (V1442), turns around a cluster of farmsteads and then along straight forest path goes southeast along Sekļa lake. The lake can be accessed via small paths. In the vicinity of Recreation complex “Sveikuli”, the route continues along beautiful forest paths and joins the Tukums–Kesterciems–Kolka road (P131) near the Ozoliņi cemetery, where the town of Tukums begins. Along Raudas, Kurzeme Forest and Melnezera streets, the Forest Trail reaches the Sun hill (Saules kalns).