Abava River valley.

Section 94. Renda – Sabile.

Renda – Sabile To the town of wine and cider – Sabile

The Forest Trail in Renda for a short distance circles along the rocky banks of the Īvande river and then leads to Kroju Road. At first you can see open landscapes, but later the trail continues through the forest. In some places there are views of the Abava valley. The natural landscapes are gradually changing, as the Forest Trail leaves the Pieventa plain of the Kursa Lowland and slowly rises to the Vāne descent of the Austrumkursa Upland, reaching 50–60 m above sea level. Before Valgale village, it turns around the deep ravine of the Valgale river and goes to Sabile along the upper bank of the Abava valley, and only nearby Sabile descends to Abava bridge (Lāčplēša, Kuldīgas street). In the vicinity of Sabile, the natural areas are changing again and the landscapes of the Saldus hills of the Austrumkursa Upland can be seen here. The depth of the Abava valley between Rumbciems and Sabile reaches about 40 m. The Forest Trail today and the next day crosses the nature park “Abavas senleja” (“Abava valley”).