Along Nemunas river loops.

Section 59. Panemunis – Birštonas.

Panemunis – Birštonas Nemunas loops and ethnographic farmsteads

Repeating the loops of the Nemunas, the Forest Trail throws more than 20 km long bends in Nemunas Loops Regional Park, winding through open landscapes and small villages with typical wooden buildings painted in different shades. A larger forest massif there is only between Siponiai and Puzoniai villages, through which the route leads along small forest roads. Crossing the Vilnius–Marijampolė road (A16), the Forest Trail descends to the next circle of the Nemunas, where the popular Birštonas resort is located. Along the sidewalk of B. Sruogos street, the Forest Trail reaches the Birštonas Tourism Information Center.