Kuldiga and surrounding.

Section 92. Snēpele – Kuldīga.

Snēpele – Kuldīga Venta valley and Riežupe Nature Park

Along the main street of Snēpele, the Forest Trail takes the road V1294 and after 0.3 km opposite Ķepšu lake turns right onto a small country road. Along this road, the Forest Trail bends to Slipiņciems, before crossing Sprincupe along the dam, where a pond has been created. Then the Forest Trail goes in the direction of Pelči. Nearby Pelči, the trail bends along Pelču Dambu ponds, leads to the Kuldīga–Pelču road (V1293) and further stretches through the Kuldīga garden areas – “Kurzemīte” and “Rumba”, until it reaches the Venta bank and the Kuldīga bypass. From there to the Old Brick Bridge, the Forest Trail for 2.4 km leads along a beautiful Venta coastal path, where there are wooden bridges and footbridges in wetter places and across streams town of Kurzeme.