Raudondvaris Manor (Raudondvaris Castle)
One of the most impressive reborn Renaissance architectural monuments in Lithuania. The most striking traces in the history of the castle were left by its last owners, counts Tiškevičiai. Today there is a hall for representative events. Kaunas district museum is located in northern part of the manor.
The Raudondvaris Castle is on the right bank of the Neveža River in Raundondvaris. The estate and a park that covers 3.8 ha has two buildings, an orangery, a stable for horses and a cellar. Alongside the estate in 1834 was a park that was rebuilt in the 20th century with new plants and flowerbeds that featured ancient types of roses. The northern part of the park is forested, with maple, pine and linden trees, as well as Edelweiss that blooms in the spring. Paths in the park lead to a local environmentally protected area.