Coastline of Curonian lagoon.

Section 73. Dreverna – Klaipėda.

Dreverna – Klaipėda Along King Wilhelm Canal to Klaipėda

From the Village of Dreverna, the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route follows the Priekulė Road (No. 2206) to cross the Dreverna River, the Klišupė River and the King Wilhelm Canal, after which it turns off to the left, and for the next 9 km it leads through a lush tree-lined lane along the eastern bank of the historical canal. Along the way there are various rest spots and tourist information stands explaining the diversity of the local natural environment. The trail reaches Kairių Street 4 km later, and the next section of the trail leads through an urban area. From Jūrininkų Prospektas to Baltijos Prospektas, the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route leads through city parks, crossing the footpaths of Reform Movement (Sąjūdžio), Reykjavík, Friendship (Draugystės) and other parks. Having crossed Baltijos Prospektas, the trail follows the pedestrian lanes of Taikos Prospektas, reaching Birža Bridge 3 km later.