Mežtaka - Setomā

Setomaa Region

Vanavastselīna – Ristipalo: 73 km, 19.–21. diena

Setu zemē jeb Setomaa dzīvo seti – etnogrāfiska grupa ar īpašām, senām tradīcijām un valodas dialektu. Mežtakas gājēji var paviesoties tradicionālā setu sētā un baudīt setu virtuvi. Meži šeit ir sevišķi skaisti agrā rudenī, kad zemsedzi violetu iekrāso ziedošie virši. Viens no skaistākajiem takas posmiem Setu zemē ved gar Piuzas (Piusa) upi, kur redzami smilšakmens atsegumi. Dabas spēks šeit novērtēts jau kopš 19. gs. sākuma, kad dziednieciskā gaisa un minerālūdens avotu dēļ šeit tika izveidots Verskas kūrorts un sanatorija, kas darbojas arī šobrīd.

Spilgtākie iespaidi: Unikāla kultūra – tradīcijas, arhitektūra, rokdarbi, valoda, virtuve, Setu lēlo (Seto leelo) – setu tradicionālie daudzbalsīgie dziedājumi, UNESCO nemateriālais kultūras mantojums, Bagātīgas sēņu un ogu vietas, Piuzas upes ieleja, alas un sikspārņi, Hermas (Härma) mūris – Igaunijas augstākais devona laikmeta smilšakmens atsegums, Mustojas dabas parks, Setu muzeji, Verskas minerālūdens un ārstnieciskās dūņas, “Nacionālās Ģeogrāfijas” dzeltenie logi Obinitsas un Podmotsas ciemos.

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HardSection 19. Vana-Vastseliina‒Kolodavitsa.

Along the banks of Piusa, the fastest river in Estonia

The first part of this section of the Forest Trail winds along the magnificent Piusa River valley, then, at Härmä village, it turns towards Obinitsa, an important cultural centre of Setomaa, the Land of Setos. Here you can discover the traditions of the local Seto people. After Obinitsa, the Forest Trail leads through beautiful pine forests rich in heather, descends back into the depths of the Piusa River valley and turns east at Piusa caves. From there it follows the left slope of Piusa valley until it reaches the motorway and railway line by Koidula railway station.

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MediumSection 20. Kolodavitsa‒Värska.

Historical heritage and living traditions in Setomaa, the land of Seto people

The Forest Trail leads through the vast forests of Setomaa, along mires and moors, which are painted a fabulous shade of purple in September. This is a sparsely populated region, and hikers have the chance to really connect to the nature. At Lake Õrsava, the Forest Trail crosses several pedestrian bridges, circles around the lake and leads to the centre of Värska borough. Take your time to discover local Seto traditions and cuisine.

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MediumSection 21. Värska‒Ristipalo.

Värska – historical resort

After leaving Värska, the Forest Trail turns northwest towards Värska Gulf of Lake Pskov. Having circled around in the forest, the trail leads to Laossina village, where the visitors have the opportunity to learn more about the religious traditions of the Seto people. This section of the Forest Trail passes through the Lake Peipus lowlands, so the terrain is flat. The land is mainly used for agriculture. After crossing the Võhandu River near Võõpsu village, the Forest Trail turns towards Räpina.