Tukums ja Ķemeri rahvuspark.

99. päev. Jāņukrogs – Bigauņciems.

SEE Vaatamisväärsused

The castle mound trail of Kaņieris lake

1.3 km long circular trail with an observation tower, which overlooks the lake and the birds living there.

Border stone

A monument to the former border line between the Russian Empire and the Duchy of Courland, which went along Robežu street in Ķemeri, hence the name of the street (“The border street”).

Ķemeri Evangelical Lutheran Church

Ķemeri Evangelical Lutheran Church was the first stone building in Ķemeri resort. Tel.: +371 26593425

St. Apostles Peter and Paul Kemeri Orthodox Church

Central cross-domed wooden church with a bell tower, built in the style of historicism, in the architectural forms of wooden churches in Northern Russia. Tel.: +371 67765417

Kemeri resort park

The sulphur spring “Ķirzaciņa” (“The Little Lizard”) next to the pavilion decorated with wood carvings, a water tower with an exposition about the history of Ķemeri and a viewing platform on the roof, 7 picturesque bridges over Vēršupīte. The former hotel “Ķemeri” – a striking example of neoclassicism.

Meža māja (Forest house)

The reed-roofed building designed by architect Frīdrihs Skujiņš is one of the brightest buildings of national romanticism in Latvia. The building houses the Kemeri National Park Information Centre. Tel.: +371 26424972

Melnalkšņu swamp forest trail

The 0.6 km trail introduces a very humid natural deciduous forest – a black alder swamp forest.

Sloka lake observation tower

The observation tower is located on pontoons, it is connected to the land by a footbridge. From the tower you can see the whole Sloka lake all the way to Kauguri. Birds gather in the lake in spring and late summer–autumn, so this is a favorite place for bird watchers.


A fishing village on the shores of the Gulf of Riga, where you can buy fish caught and smoked there.

H Puhkekompleks “Valguma pasaule”

"Valguma pasaule", Smārdes pagasts, Tukuma novads

+371 29414022, +371 63181222



Tagurpidi Maja

Vaatamisväärsuse juures on saadaval suupisted, tee ja kohv lisatasu eest, ka neile, kes pileteid ei osta."

"Guntiņas", Smārdes pagasts, Tukuma novads

+371 28808606
