Ranniku matkarada - Jūrmala ja Riia

Jūrmala and Rīga

Läti populaarseim kuurortlinn ja pealinn
Jūrmala – Vecāķi: 84 km. Päevad: 21–24

Matkaraja lõik läbib kuurortlinna Jūrmalat ja Läti pealinna Riiat. Jūrmalas on liivane rand, kuid jalutada võib ka läbi kesklinna ja vaadata oma silmaga üle Joma iela. Jūrmala
on suvitajate poolt hinnatud linn, kus on palju spaahotelle ja kohvikuid ning kus suveõhtutel mängib elav muusika. Linnale on iseloomulik silmapaistev puitarhitektuur ajalooliste suvilate piirkonnas, samuti tänapäevased eramajad ja villad. Rannaäärsetes luitemetsades on tihedalt radu, mis sobivad hästi jalutamiseks ja kepikõnni harrastamiseks. Jūrmalat eraldab Riia ümbruse metsadest Lielupe jõgi. Priedainest võib minna Riiga mööda Kleisti metsateid ja eeslinna tänavaid kuni Daugavani. Jõge ületades jõuame Riia südamesse – Raekoja platsile (Rātslaukums). Riia võib läbida jalgsi ja õppida nii tundma linna eri piirkondi, või siis kasutada ühistransporti – rongi või bussi.

Melluzi pludmale Janis Salins

ESection 21. Ragaciems - Dubulti.

The Historic Resort of Jūrmala

In Ragaciems village, you can clearly see the whole length of the Jūrmala coast. The first third of this day's itinerary is part of the Ķemeri National Park where you can get to know historic fishing villages, the Ragaciems village fishing area with net huts and a fish market, dune habitats, as well as watch birds in the estuary of the Starpiņupe River. Starting from Jaunķemeri to Dubulti, the walk takes you across the widest sandy beach of the Gulf of Riga through the historic resort in Jūrmala and the longest city in Latvia. Keep in mind that on warm and sunny summer days there will be a lot of beachgoers.

Racenes peldiestade Ivars Kezbers

ESection 22. Dubulti - Lielupe - Bulduri.

The Most Popular Beaches in Latvia

The widest sandy beach of the Gulf of Riga stretches from Dubulti to the Lielupe River. It is the main asset of the Jūrmala resort offering many beach cafés and different recreational possibilities. The coastal dune forests are permeated with a dense web of trails suitable for walking and stick-walking. The part of the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route located between the beach of the Lielupe River and Jūrmala beach is part of the Ragakāpa Nature Park. From here, you can easily get back to Bulduri by taking Bulduri prospekts and the 5th line.

Jurmalas jahtklubs Ivars Kezbers 4

MSection 23. Bulduri - Riga City Center.

Through the Forests To Riga

The itinerary is an alternative way to get from Jūrmala to Riga by going through the forest. After passing the bridge across the Lielupe River, the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route snakes through Priedaine with its wooden buildings, goes along the right bank of the Lielupe River, then turns towards the Southern part of Bolderāja Dune and crosses Kleisti forest past Lāčupe Cemetery. Next, it goes along the historic roads of Pārdaugava on the West bank of the Daugava River, namely, Buļļu and Daugavgrīvas iela, through Dzegužkalns Hill, passing the Zunda Canal and Āgenskalns bay until reaching the Daugava River, which the route crosses via the Stone bridge and then stops at Town Hall Square.

Livu laukums LiveRiga

MSection 24. Riga City Center - Vecāķi.

Riga Old Town – a UNESCO World Heritage site

Initially, the itinerary takes you on a small stroll around Riga City Center, Riga Old Town, leads along the City Canal through Kronvalds Park, via Alberta iela (Art Nouveau buildings) and further on via Miera iela through the Lielie kapi Cemetery, via Kokneses and Ostas prospekts through Mežaparks and then it reaches Jaunmīlgrāvis and crosses Mīlgrāvis . Then it meanders along Vecāķu prospekts up to Ziemeļblāzma and the banks of the Old Daugava River (Vecdaugava) separated by only a couple of kilometers from Vecāķi. After a two-day hike through Riga, the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route leads you out to the beach again.