Jūrmala and Rīga.

Section 21. Ragaciems - Dubulti.

SEE Worth seeing

Visitors are offered to taste smoked fish. +371 29219491

+371 27000380

Lapmežciema muzeja ekspozīcijas centrā ir zvejnieks savā saimnieciskajā darbībā un savā vidē. Tā stāsta par dažādajām zvejnieka dzīves un darba formām cauri laikiem. Interaktīvās nodarbes ļauj izzināt Lapmežciema apkārtni gan tās seno vietvārdu, gan vides bagātībā.

Beach adapted for people with special needs. In the pine forest located on the seacoast of Ķemeri National Park, there are sanatoriums offering a wide range of therapeutic procedures.

Visitors can look at old medical equipment, interesting accessories, photographs and documents. Visits have to be booked in advance: +371 67735850

An ancient fishermen’s village.

17,20 m high with the diameter of 4,30 m.

Adapted for people with special needs. The historic Kāpu iela adorned with both ancient wooden architecture and modern mansions snakes behind the dunes.