SEEO. Kiršteins landscape garden

A fascinating collection of conifers, thought-out flower-beds, decorative stones, a cascade of waterfalls and a gully that looks like a mountain river when there is strong rain. +371 26417757

You will feel the beauty, power and energy of nature here, ensuring harmony with nature and a good sense of the energy of rocks, plants, Latvian plants and underground streams.  Rocks here decorate the garden, which offers a good view of the sea and a cascade of waterfalls that are delightful in the spring and the fall.  During the summer, it is a rock river.  The site is one km to the north of the bus stop in Tūja and has 28 types of coniferous trees, 14 decorative shrubs, 13 kinds of rhododendrons, and winter plants.  The interesting collection of stones may mean that there is an energy field, and the garden is quite esoteric.  The rocky seashore of Vidzeme is nearby, and the garden has received many prizes from the Salacgrīva Administrative District and Latvia as such.