Riga and Pieriga.

Section 3. Vangaži - Rāmkalni.

Vangaži - Rāmkalni Along Inčukalns hunting palace towards Gauja National Park

After leaving Vangaži, the Forest Trail leads through smaller paths, reaching Vangaži Lutheran Church and the Werewolf Pine. On its way to the Hunting Palace, it goes along the so-called Katrīna Road, disappears into the forest for a while and after the Hunting Castle continues along the Hunting trail. The first side ravines with pronounced relief of the ancient Gauja valley can be seen here. One of them is located by Inčukalns Velnala (Devil’s) Cave, surrounded by small river channels of old Gauja. From there, the Forest Trail continues through meadows and crosses the Murjāņi–Valmiera motorway, where the recreation park “Rāmkalni” is located.