Tukums and Ķemeru National park.

Section 98. Tukums – Jāņukrogs.

Tukums – Jāņukrogs Through the best mushroom forests in the area

Along Melnezera street, the Forest Trail leaves Tukums. Up to Milzkalne, it winds through beautiful forests, except for a short section along Jaunūdru road. Then the trail throws bows up and down along the backs of the steep hills of the Raudas massif. One of the highest points is Milzkalns, 113 m above sea level. Crossing the Tukums–Milzkalne–Smārde road (V1446), the Forest Trail leads through the Šlokenbeka Manor, crosses the Slocene river, turns around Bērzāji and further along the left bank of the Slocene curves through the beautiful forests to the Kārniņi cemetery on the Tukums–Milzkalne–Smārde road. From here, Valguma lake, with accommodations nearby, is about 2.5 km away. Ķemeri National Park starts behind Bērzāji.