South Kurzeme.

Section 89. Priekule – Kalvene.

Priekule – Kalvene Along the historical road through Embūte and Bandava hills

The Forest Trail along Ķieģeļu, Galvenā and Parka streets bends through Priekule, throws circles along small park paths near Dobeļupe and continues to Audari, where it crosses the Grobiņa–Embūte road (P106). After 4 km, it turns right and in the next section, up to the Rīga–Liepāja highway, leads along a sparsely populated area, where agricultural land alternates with forest clusters and small wetlands. The area between Sepene lake and Kalvene is distinctly hilly – here the Embūte hills alternate with the Bandava hills. The highest point reached by the Forest Trail is 115 m above sea level. Crossing the Rīga–Liepāja highway (A9), after 1 km the Forest Trail reaches the destination of this section.