SEEKasepää ambulARToorium

Photo gallery. Tel: +372 58050201.

Art centre AmbulARToorium is located in Tartu County, in a village of Old Believers by Lake Peipus. The locals of Kasepää call it an art salon or exhibition house or even a photo gallery. A long time ago, there was an ambulacrum in the house; even earlier, the local school. In 2007, the crumbling building with a good aura became a lair  for all those interested in art and the way of life of the Old Believes. Although it has not yet been renovated, exhibitions have been held by nature photographer Fred Jüssi, Avo Paistik (father of Klaabu), ceramicist Kadri Jäätma, and young photographic artists. It has also hosted several small concerts.