The Curonian spit.

65. päev. Pervalka – Juodkrantė.

ACC CMPMajutus

Tel.: +370 61265082

Tel.: +370 61101861

Tel.: +370 61881849

Tel.: +370 64303939

Tel.: +370 67093261

FSR Toitlustus

Tel.: +370 65019520

Tel.: +370 68478707

Tel.: +370 64064029

INF Turismiinfo

L. Rėzos st. 8, Juodkrantė,,
tel.: +370 46953490

Kultur- und Tourismusinformationszentrum "Agila", L. Rėzos Str. 8, Juodkrantė,, +370 46953490; GPS: 55.54217, 21.12145

STO Poed

In Pervalka

In Juodkrantė

 In Juodkrantė

RPL Puhkekohad

In Juodkrantė

SRV Muud teenused

NB! ATMs are only in Nida and Klaipėda!

Public transport: The bus runs from Nida to Smiltynė every hour in the summer season (from 7 AM to 9 PM every day) and four times per day in the off-season. Please note that not all of the buses will take you to Preila and Pervalka.

Routes and timetables: