SEEThe Museum of the Ainaži Naval School

Ainažu jūrskolas muzeja misija ir latviešu jūrābraukšanas idejas uzturēšana. Muzejs ar savu darbību atgādina plašai sabiedrībai par pirmo latviešu un igauņu jūrskolu, tās darbību, panākumiem un nozīmi, tā ceļot latvisko pašapziņu. Muzejs komplektē krājumu par jūrskolas darbību, buru kuģu būvi Vidzemes piekrastē 19. gs. beigās–20. gs. sākumā, Ainažu pilsētas vēsturi, veic tā pētniecību un popularizēšanu.

+371 64043349


The museum at Valdemāra Street 47 was opened in 1969 in the building of the maritime school that was opened in 1864 at the suggestion of Krišjānis Valdemārs.  The school trained more than 1,000 sea captains and helmsmen.  The exhibition at the museum relates to the operations of the school, as well as the building of sailing ships on the Vidzeme shoreline during the latter half of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century.  There is a collection of anchors, as well as the top of the Ainaži lighthouse, which was once washed away by the sea, but has been restored.