Лесистая местность Вецлайцене.

15-й этап. Апе – Паганамаа – Корнети – латвийско-эстонская граница.


Tel: +371 20379986 или +371 29496005.

Tel: +371 29130280 или +371 25442335.

Tel: +371 26186570.

Guests have access to three two-person glamping tents in a unique place in the Veclaicene Parish, which is right by the border between Latvia and Estonia.  The tents are well-equipped with a hardwood bed with a comfortable mattress, two pillows, two large blankets, bed linens, two towels, two duvets, a chest for visitors’ things, two easy chairs on a terrace, and a little table with a bench.  Each tent is hooked up to electricity, with available plugs and lights.

The territory has a common-use summer kitchen with three lavatories.  Spend some time glamping, and you’ll feel the healing power of nature, relax from your everyday rhythm, watch the country landscape, enjoy yourself and your partner or friend.  You can go for walks, rent bikes, swim in the pond, sunbathe, enjoy a jacuzzi, grill, and read books from the Muuski community library.

FSR Питание

Tel: +371 26594554.

INF Туристическая информация

Апе, улица Сколас, 4, tel: +371 64307219.

Алуксне, улица Пилс, 25 a, tel: +371 25442335, 29130280.

«Вайнаги», Корнети, Вецлайценская волость.

RPL Места отдыха

SRV Другие услуги

Общественный транспорт: Автобус между Ригой и Апе курсирует 2 раза в день, между Корнети и Алуксне – 2 раза в день (кроме суб. и воскр.), между Алуксне и Ригой – 5-7 раз в день. Расписание маршрутов: www.1188.lv.