Побережье северной Эстонии.

45-й этап. Локса – Тситре.

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Бывшая военная база подводных лодок. Вход платный. Tel: +372 56900433.

В порту Хара можно заказать прогулку по морю. Tel: +372 56900433.

Небольшой частный музей рассказывает о жизни рыбаков в начале 20-го века. Посещение – по предварительной договоренности. Tel: +372 56491282.

The 7 km trail is located at the western edge of Lahemaa National Park, in the middle of Juminda Peninsula and starts in the car park just by the Hara–Juminda Road, running on the eastern side of the peninsula. 

2 km of the total length of the 8-shaped trail can be completed on a boardwalk. The study trail has been marked with white and green signs on trees; there are 3 large and 9 small information boards on the trail, as well as an observation tower.
The trail passes through the high middle part of Juminda Peninsula, where the intertwinement of former beach ridges and sand dunes, as well as forest and marsh strips creates a unique and varied landscape.

The third largest boulder in Estonia – Majakivi (House Stone) – is located on the trail.

Третий по величине валун в Эстонии.

Постоянная экспозиция, информация о природе, различных природных тропах. Tel: +372 5099397.