SEETülivere sacred oak

© OpenStreetMap contributors

Located on private land, so it can only be visited during the daytime.

The Tülivere sacred oak, a protected tree, is a sacred old tree which received food offerings in order to ensure bountiful crops and cattle as recently as the last century. Ancient Estonians considered the gap in the oak to be a place of reconciliation, which is how the tree received its name as ‘tüli’ means quarrel in Estonian.
The large oak is located on a hillock, close to the Tülivere brook. The giant tree features a unique gap similar to an arched door where a person can enter, almost without having to bend down. The dim interior of the tree’s cavity is the size of a tiny chamber, allowing two adults to stand up within.

The oak is located on private land, so it can only be visited during the daytime.