Mežtaka - Hānja

Haanja Upland

Logamē (Loogamäe) – Vanavastselīna (Vana-Vastseliina): 54 km, 16. –18. diena

Hānjas augstienes ainavas 50 km plašumā vislabāk pārredzamas no Lielā Munameģa skatu torņa. Lielā Munameģa augstums ir 318 m virs jūras līmeņa, un tas ir augstākais reljefa punkts Baltijas valstīs. Mežtaka iet pa maziem lauku ceļiem, gar viensētām. Meži šeit mijas ar lauksaimniecības zemēm.

Spilgtākie iespaidi: Hānjas dabas parks – mainīgas ainavas un skaista daba, Lielā Munameģa skatu tornis, Kafejnīca visaugstākajā vietā Baltijas valstīs, Tradicionālā dūmu pirts – UNESCO nemateriālais kultūras mantojums, Nopri saimniecība – vietējais piena produktu ražotājs, Vanavastselīnas bīskapa pilsdrupas un svētceļnieku nams, “Nacionālās Ģeogrāfijas” dzeltenie logi Hānjas un Vanavastselīnas ciemos.

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MSection 16. Loogamäe‒Haanja (Suur Munamägi).

On the way to the highest point in the Baltic States – Suur Munamägi Hill

Having crossed the border of Latvia and Estonia via a small local road, the Forest Trail follows a country road, passes solitary farmsteads and villages, then drifts upward the west slope of Haanja Upland until reaching Suur Munamägi (‘Great Egg Hill’ in Estonian). This is the highest peak on the entire route from Riga to Tallinn. Feel free to linger here for a while to enjoy the Haanja scenery and the local cuisine.

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ESection 17. Haanja (Suur Munamägi)‒Tsiistre.

On the winding roads of Haanja Upland

The Forest Trail leads down from the highest point of the Haanja Upland, circles around the southern part of Lake Vaskna, and continues down small country roads surrounded by solitary homesteads and small clusters of farms. The hills along the route are covered in trees, but areas on the gentler slopes have been cultivated. As the village of Tsiistre draws closer, the landscape shows the presence of agricultural land, which turn into fields of gold by the end of the summer.

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ESection 18. Tsiistre‒Vana-Vastseliina.

Along the ancient pilgrim paths to Vana-Vastseliina

During this section, the Forest Trail passes through the northern part of the Haanja Upland and descends to Vana-Vastseliina, an ancient pilgrimage destination in the Piusa River valley. On its high bank the ruins of the bishop’s castle are quite a sight