Muljetavaldav 6 m kõrgune vaimude puu on 4000 metallvardast koosnev Läti kuulsale rokkbändile Līvi pühendatud mälestusmärk.
Kurmāja puiestee äärde on püstitatud Liepāja hümni “Pilsētā, kurā piedzimst vējš” (Linn, kus sünnib tuul) tegelaskujude pronksskulptuurid.
Pöördsild, mis on Läti üks vanemaid metallkonstruktsioonidega sildu, on insenertehniline mälestis.
Minge ekskursioonile, osalege tõsieluetenduses, proovige pääseda põgenemistubadest, ööbige vangikongis ja tutvuge põhjapoolsete kaitserajatistega. +371 26369470
This church was built between 1900 and 1903 in the Byzantine style, and was meant for the local military garrison. The church, which was built to honour St Nicholas, patron saint of all seamen, and it was consecrated in the presence of Tsar Nicholas II. The ornate building was sacked by the Germans during World War I. During Latvia’s period of independence, the cathedral was used by the local military garrison. The Soviet military, in turn, turned into a sports hall, a cinema for sailors, and a warehouse. There are stories to say that Soviet soldiers broke off bits of the golden mosaic of the icons in the church. The building has now been returned to an Orthodox congregation. The builders of the cathedral used a unique way of pouring cement, which is why there are no supporting columns in the church. Instead, its weight is bolstered by its walls, with four arched vaults supporting them. It is the tallest Orthodox cathedral in Latvia at this time.
Muuli kogupikkus on 1800 m ja laius 7,35 m.
Osa 19. sajandi lõpus, 20. sajandi alguses ehitatud linna kaitserajatiste süsteemist. Tänase päevani on säilinud täielikust õhkamisest pääsenud suurtükipatareid, maa-alused ehitised ja püssirohulaod.
"Namejs", Grīnvalti, Nīcas pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes novads
+371 25560040