Baltischer Küstenwanderweg - Veröffentlichungen
Baltischer Küstenwanderweg-Karte - Südlicher Teil

Baltic Coastal Hiking Guide
The ~1200 km of the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route are split up into 60 separate parts of one day walks (~20-25 km). Each day’s walk has a detailed description. An additional three spreads of the guide are dedicated to the islands of Estonia where travellers can continue their hike or, quite the contrary, relax by enjoying the cultural, historic, gastronomic or wellness offers on the islands.

Baltic Coastal Hiking tourist brochure
The brochure introduces the Baltic Coastal Hiking route along the Baltic Sea coast between Riga and Tallinn. The 1200km route is part of the European long distance hiking route E9. Any part of the itinerary can be chosen for a hike of 60 days, a daily hike around 20 km. The whole route is divided into 8 sections revealing the variety of the seacoast and allowing hikers to choose their preferences. The brochure describes the highlights in each section, offers practical tourist information and includes a hiking route map.

Service provision for hiking tourists
Aaimed at large stakeholder audience: municipalities, NGOs, local tourism specialists, active communities, potential service providers. It will be used in project events and communication with stakeholders. In Latvian and Estonian only.

Hiking tours, organized travel packages
The brochure includes 15 hiking tours for one and multiple days (up to 16 days) in Latvia and Estonia, which is part of the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route long distance path (in Latvia - Jūrtaka, in Estonian - ranniku matkarada) (e9) - the most interesting, most scenic coastal areas of both countries, which are renowned for their natural and cultural objects. Several tours include national parks, nature parks, and biosphere reserves, as well as UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Baltic Coastal Hiking visual identity handbook
This handbook is designed to help usage of Baltic Coastal Hiking visual identity in marketing and design materials.
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