Šiaurės Gaujos giria.

Atkarpa 10. Strenči - Spicu tiltas.

SEE Verta pamatyti

Wooden sculpture park

Sculptures made in honour of raftsmen, a profession which used to be widespread in the region.

Strenči Psychoneurological Hospital

The architect A. Reinbergs also designed the building of the Latvian National Theatre. The hospital water tower-chimney is one of the most unusual engineering structures in the Baltic States.

Dravas (Hive) Oak Tree

The trunk of the oak tree is adapted for use in beekeeping.

Seda town housing

A city built in the style of socialist urbanism and features examples of Stalinist Classicism architecture.

Seda Culture Centre

An exhibition on cultural heritage tells the history of the Seda area.

More info: +371 29436275

Gauja Bridge next to Strenči

Second oldest multi-span reinforced concrete bridge in Latvia.

Hunting monuments

To the Russian Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich and opera singer Rihards Veide.

Kaķu Giant Pine

May be the oldest giant pine tree in Latvia

Kauču priede

Kauču priede jeb Vēstule priedē, kur koka raupjai  mizai izplēsts gabals un stumbrā vecā drukā ar nazi iegrebti dziesmas vārdi.