Miško takas - Abavos senvagė

Abava River valley

Vynuogynai Abavos senvagėje

Renda – Sabile – Kandava – Jaunmoku pilis: 70 km, 3 dienos

Abavos senvagė yra iki 2 km pločio ir apytikriai 30 – 40 metrų gylio, džiuginanti pėsčiuosius nuostabiais kraštovaizdžiais. Sabilėje galite paragauti sidrų ir vynų, pagamintų apylinkėse. Pedvalės meno parko teritorija užima beveik 100 hektarų, ją sudaro pievos, krūmai, plokšti šlaitai, gilūs slėniai, šaltiniai, upokšniai ir vingiuotas upelis. Čia yra menininkų rezidencija, vyksta parodos, koncertai, spektakliai. Kandavos miestelio simbolis yra akmeninis riedulių tiltas per Abavos upę. Natūraliose Abavos slėnio pievose, kurios ypač gražiai žydi vasaros viduryje, gyvena laukinėje gamtoje prisitaikę gyventi naminiai gyvuliai. Pūrėje yra šokolado fabrikas, kuris siūlo ekskursijas ir degustacijas.

IMG 3200

MSection 94. Renda – Sabile.

To the town of wine and cider – Sabile

The Forest Trail in Renda for a short distance circles along the rocky banks of the Īvande river and then leads to Kroju Road. At first you can see open landscapes, but later the trail continues through the forest. In some places there are views of the Abava valley. The natural landscapes are gradually changing, as the Forest Trail leaves the Pieventa plain of the Kursa Lowland and slowly rises to the Vāne descent of the Austrumkursa Upland, reaching 50–60 m above sea level. Before Valgale village, it turns around the deep ravine of the Valgale river and goes to Sabile along the upper bank of the Abava valley, and only nearby Sabile descends to Abava bridge (Lāčplēša, Kuldīgas street). In the vicinity of Sabile, the natural areas are changing again and the landscapes of the Saldus hills of the Austrumkursa Upland can be seen here. The depth of the Abava valley between Rumbciems and Sabile reaches about 40 m. The Forest Trail today and the next day crosses the nature park “Abavas senleja” (“Abava valley”).


ESection 95. Sabile – Kandava.

One of the most beautiful nature parks in Kurzeme

The Forest Trail continues along the left bank of the Abava, along Kr. Barona street. Further, as a small path, it crosses the meadows and forest clusters of the Abava valley until it reaches a hill called the Swedish hat (Zviedru cepure). After Zviedru cepure, the Forest Trail goes along a small country road to the Plosti – Pūces road (V1471), crosses Amula and at Kalnmuiža winds up in the Abava valley, along which the next 6 km leads to Aizdzire Manor park. Another 1 km to the north the Forest Trail crosses the Abava valley in its full width, revealing some of the most beautiful views of the valley. The depth of the Abava valley in this place is about 40 m. After the Fisherman's Bridge (Zvejnieku tilts), the Forest Trail rises on the northern slope of a valley where vineyards are planted. Winding through the forest, it crosses the Kandava–Renda road (P130) and further along Sabiles street reaches Kandava. Along the Lauku, Ozola, Zīļu, Sabiles and Pils streets of this picturesque small-town the Forest Trail reaches the Knights' Castle Mound. Throughout the section, the Forest Trail winds through the nature park “Abavas senleja” (“Abava valley”).


ESection 96. Kandava – Jaunmokas.

Pūre – a place where chocolate is made

Along Jelgavas street, crossing the old boulder bridge over Abava, the Forest Trail along Daigones street and further along a gravel road leads to the 5 km distant Daigone village, after which it descends along the Dziļkalns–Pūre road (V1464) in the Abava valley. After the bridge over Abava, the Forest Trail turns right and along a small path reaches Pūre. Circling around the Pūre Manor, it stretches for the next 5 km to Galciems along Zemeņu street and Pūre–Jaunsāti (C004) road. Sand and gravel are mined here in the quarries of the region. In Galciems, the Forest Trail turns left onto a small gravel road (C003), which after 3.5 km connects with Jaunmoku–Jaunsāti road (V1444). After another 3 km, the Forest Trail crosses the Rīga–Ventspils highway and reaches Jaunmoku palace along small paths surrounded by tree alleys. Approaching the palace from Jaunsāti, you can see the beautiful wide landscapes around the Forest Trail, where Spārnene, the wavy plain of Austrumkursa, alternates with Vanema hills.